Welcome to Euphonix . . .
A warm welcome to you joining the Euphonix Choir family. This page is specifically designed to welcome new members to the Choir and explain how the website and communications arrangements work. It may be useful to read this page first before you proceed to sign up to the Members' Area of the website.
Email communications
Firstly, you may have noticed that the email inviting you to join Euphonix came from a admin@e-voice.org.uk and it will be branded with the Choir's logo. The e-voice.org.uk is a system that provides services to charities, small public bodies (e.g. parish councils), the voluntary sector and community groups and organisations like Euphonix. All email notifications that you receive from Euphonix will be in this format because they will be generated by the service provider who manages the Euphonix website. This may be confusing as you would probably be expecting to get an email ending with our URL (i.e. something@euphonix.org.uk). All communications from the Choir will be from the admin@e-voice.org.uk email address, so if the welcome email has ended up in your “Junk Mail” folder please mark it as safe and move it to your inbox.
How to set up your new account.
Step 1
The email that you received from admin@e-voice.org.uk contains a link that will provide you with access to the Members’ area of the Choir’s website.
The message will read
Dear (first name) (Surname)
This is an invitation to join the Euphonix Choir website on Voice Online Communities
If you would like to accept this invitation then you can register as a user on the site at:
[click the link that appears here]
Your will need to specify an email address and password for your new account
If you do not wish to join the Euphonix Choir website then you can ignore this email.
If you have any queries please contact (email address of the person who invited you to join)
Euphonix Choir administrator
Step 2
Click on the link contained in your email (highlighted in the place in the above example)
Step 3
The link will open your browser and you will see the Choir's website with the heading
Register with Voice Online Communities (page 1 of 2)
Complete the 6 boxes: (1) email address (this must be the same as the one that was sent to you in Step 1), (2) First names, (3) Last name, (4 & 5) Password of your choice (see advice below about passwords), and (6) This is the only optional field and says "Screen name" - you needn't complete it.
Password: Your password should be easy to remember; but with data security in mind try not to use the same password for multiple sites. If, for any reason, you happen to forget your password there is a reset facility on the front page of our website (see below). Neither the site administrators (from e-voice) nor the local Euphonix administrators have access to your password, nor to your account.
Click "Next"
Register with Voice Online Communities (page 2 of 2)
You need to tick the box that you have read and agreed to the T&Cs
Click "Next"
Step 4
If everything has gone as expected, you should now get a message that you have successfully created your account and have logged into the system. However, before you can access the Members' Area you will need to send an email to the person who invited you (see Step 1 above) to let them know you have completed the process. If you do not get a response within a day or two (and please remember that we are all volunteers so we are not sitting and waiting for your email) you may also send an email to the site's local administrator - euphonix-comms@outlook.com and they should be able to assist.
Step 5
Once your membership has been confirmed you will have access to the Members' Area of the Euphonix website. You will now see that in the Navigation (menu) bar it now contains a label “Members’ Area”. It sounds very bureaucratic for which we apologise, but it is the way the system has been designed (other more sensitive organisations need a greater level of security).
Your Account information & email communications.
As a new member it is important that you undertake the following once you have logged into the Euphonix website for the first time; it will take less than a minute. You need to confirm that the information the Euphonix website holds about you is correct and you also need to make sure that your account is authorising the sending of email notifications to your registered email address (this is our only means of making contact with our Members). The process is very straight forward, and the following explains how to access your website account with Euphonix.
You can only access Your Account once you have logged-in: and to access this part of the website please click on the "head silhouette" in the top right-hand corner of the web-page. A drop-down box will appear and you need to click "Your account" (not Logout). You will be presented with 3 tabs. You only need to go into tabs 1 and 3 to check the information (you cannot change any of the information in tab 2).
(TAB 1) – Your account: Check that your name and email address are spelt correctly. If not, use the edit facilities to effect changes. If you have not been given the opportunity to change your temporary password when you first logged in you can change it here (you may need to paste in the temporary password). In the future if you ever need to change your password or email contact details just return to this tab. For obvious reasons do not delete the account otherwise it will affect your membership of the Choir.
(TAB 3) – Email Preferences: It is a condition of membership that you agree to receive emails from the Euphonix website as this is our only and therefore primary means of communications. The Membership Secretary will set you up to receive such notifications and in Tab 3 at the bottom of a list of options you will need to confirm that the last box on the left-hand side listed at the bottom of the page - “Members' Area: All Notifications” has been ticked. If for any reason it is not ticked you will need to ensure that it is. In addition, please make sure that on the corresponding right-hand side the drop-down box is shown as “Instant” (again if it is not then please amend).
For all other options on this page you can safely leave unchecked, otherwise you will be bombarded with irrelevant email notifications regarding the system (e.g. bug reports, system enhancements, general support and much, much, more).
Once you have made sure that “Your Account” details are correct, please ensure that you save any changes before returning to the main web-page by clicking "Home" on the main Navigation bar.
Getting started . . .
The Members' Area has a completely different Navigation (Menu) Bar to that in the public area. The layout of the Members' Area homepage has, for ease of access, a number of placeholders. You can access all parts of the Members's Area either through the menu in the Navigation Bar or the placeholders. On the right-hand side of the Homepage you will find important diary entries. You can download these entries onto calendars on PCs, tablets, mobile phones etc.
Now that you have access to the Members' Area it is suggested that you familiarise yourself with the structure and your attention is drawn to the three following areas. The simplest way is to use the place holders, although you can also use the navigation bar menu -
- The terms folder (within Our Files)
- Tom's Musical Notes; and
- Noticeboard.
The term's folder found in "Our files" contains everything that you need to get started. The placeholder will automatically take you to this terms folder (so it is slightly quicker than using the Navigation Bar Menu). This folder contains all the current words for the songs being learnt for the term. There is one sub-folder for each song, along with the associated audio files. Please listen to these audio files between rehearsals.
As a new member, you will have been given a starter kit (folder with this terms song-sheets & calendar). As the term progresses, new songs will probably be added to the folder and it will be your responsibility to print these off.
You will also find a printable list of rehearsal times and locations (we're not always in the same place each week).
Each week Tom publishes under "Tom's Musical Notes" a message relating to the rehearsal. The system is desgined that once Tom publishes his message an email notification is sent out to everyone. If you do not regularly get email messages from Tom please check the website for the entry and let one of the Committee know as there may be a problem with the system. Emails sent out will have the Choir's logo.
The Noticeboard is used by the Chair and others on the Committee for sending out messages to the Choir. Like Tom's Musical Notes once a message is posted on the "Noticeboard" the system automatically generates an email notification.
You can always check Tom's Musucal Notes and the Noticeboard to make sure you have the latest information.
Logging out.
Please log-out of the system when you have finished accessing it. Click on the head-silhouette in the top right-hand corner and select the logout option.
Logging in / forgotten password.
Each time you login just use your email address and the password that you created. Please remember that both your fields ("Email" and "Voice Password") are case sensitive. So, if you registered as a.smith1234@domain.co.uk with the Voice Password of Singing1234, the system will not recognise small changes like A.Smith1234@domain.co.uk in the email address nor SINGING1234 in the Voice Password.
If for any reason you have forgotten your password there is a re-set facility on the front page of the website "Forgotten your password >>". Please bear in mind that it is linked to the registered email account. Please not not under any circumstances click on the other alternative "Register now for your login to Voice >>" (see image below). Once registered with an email address on the Voice Communities Network you cannot re-register with the same email details
Finally, we hope you enjoy singing with Euphonix and if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Euphonix Committee (we are all listed in the Members’ Area).