Need to contact us about . . .

. . . becoming a member
. . . performing at an event
. . . simple enquiry

In order for the right person to answer your enquiry please select one of the three enquiry forms (using either the above menu or the links below). 

Each form is dealt with by a different member of the management committee, so please complete the one that is appropriate.

  • Form 1 - Membership enquiry form - please note that there may be a waiting list.  But, please complete the application form and we will let you know when a vacancy arises.  Euphonix usually takes on new members at the beginning of each term (January, April & September).  During each August Euphonix holds Summer Workshops, so if you want a taster then watch out for adverts on the website giving details.

  • Form 2 - Request for Euphonix to perform at a local charity (or similar) event.  In the past, the Choir has supported requests from local charities to perform at their fund-raising or social events.  However, so that it can be incorporated into our programme early requests would be appreciated.

  • Form 3 - General enquiries not otherwise covered on the Euphonix website.  Please do not send messages offering goods and/or services as these will not be answered.  Likewise, Euphonix has no political affiliations and will not respond to messages seeking support for local (or national) political or pressure groups.

Each form contains a message box and we would like to hear how you found out about Euphonix (e.g. through family or friends, google search, attending a Euphonix Concert or Euphonix Singing Workshop).

When completing any of the forms please check you've typed your email address and mobile number correctly before submitting as it's our only means of contacting you.